The Connections Conference 2012
A Professional Development Extravaganza
The Connections Conference is a three-day hands-on experience for teachers, administrators, technology staff and anyone interested in being part of sharing and learning.
Registration Fee: $299
June 18-20, 2012
Sidwell Friends School
3825 Wisconsin Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20016
Suggested Accommodations:
The Bethesda Court Hotel
Double Tree Hotel Bethesda
Hyatt Regency Bethesda
For More Information:
Karen Montgomery
Email: karenmontgomery@educollaborators.com
Twitter: @klmontgomery
Twitter Hashtag: #connex12
Agenda (in development):
Throughout the conference
Pervasive Development of Professional Learning Networks: Visit the PLN Gallery! Learn how to develop your learning through Facebook, Twitter, Flipbook, Google Currents, LinkedIn, Tweetdeck and more! Participate in a live TweetChat!
Film on the Fly! Compete for prizes by creating your own film while at the conference. Training and support provided throughout the conference. At the beginning of the conference we will announce the theme for the films. Make a film and upload it to the conference YouTube Channel!
Trip to the Mall: Group outing to Metro downtown to see the monuments and historic buildings. Perfect for creating your film!
Day by Day
Monday – Breakout sessions featuring Alex Inman, Jenni Voorhees, Karen Montgomery, Elizabeth Helfant, etc…
Tuesday – Choose one of the four full-day workshops
Wednesday – Choose one of the four full-day workshops
Full-Day Workshops
Creative Collaboration with iPads
presented by Melissa Scott, Senior Collaborator and Lower School Technology Integrator at Flint Hill School, Oakton, VA
It’s a Big, Mobile World: Mobile Technology in a Global Society
presented by Lucy Gray, Senior Collaborator and Coordinator of the Global Education Conference
Everybody’s Got a Story to Tell: Digital Storytelling Across the Disciplines
presented by to be announced
This Is Your Brain on Learning: Any Questions? Connecting Brain-based learning to pedagogy and content
presented Elizabeth Helfant, Senior Collaborator, International speaker and Upper School Tech Integrator at Mary Institute Country Day School, St. Louis, MO
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