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"A VoiceThread is an online media album that allows people to make comments, either audio or text, and share them with anyone they wish. A VoiceThread allows an entire group's story to be told and collected in one place."
100 Ways to Use VoiceThread in Edu
What can you and your students do with VoiceThread?
Teacher creates a series of Voicethreads and students could practice either repeating or responding. Could be used as drill and practice or for assessment.
Field Trips
Teacher assign groups of students to explain the digital pictures taken during the trip and how they relate to curriculum topics.
Scanned images of student artwork could be used for students to critique their own works or that of fellow students.
Using scanned images of writing pieces, students could comment as part of a reflective phase of the writing process.
Post an image as a prewriting activity and allow students to respond orally in an idea-generating phase. There is a great magnifying feature that would allow text to be read.
Use for vocabulary development and oral expression in Speech/Language and ESL/ELL classes.
Have students bring in an old photo of their family (not studio a photo) to scan and have students record their thoughts and feelings or story behind the image.
Have students provide a picture of a grandparent then narrate what they learned about that grandparent from interviewing him/her. Could also might be used for local history projects (pictures of local sites) or war veteran stories.
You will only need one e-mail address and password per account.
You can set up multiple identities.
Set up student identities.
Use first names only.
Have students either draw a picture or take a digital picture of an object that somehow represents them. Upload each student's picture to their identity.
You will need a microphone to create VoiceThreads. If your computer(s) do not have one built in, microphones can be purchased for less than $10 Invite parents to share. If you have parent e-mail addresses this is very easy to do.
"Specifically designed for K-12 educators and students, Ed.VoiceThread enables rich collaboration around multimedia in a secure environment. More like a pencil than a software platform."
Additional (embedded) Examples:
Island of the Blue Dolphins - Comparison of the book to th movie.
Missouri to Niagara Falls, Canada - Chronicle of my family's trip from St. Peters, Missouri to Niagara Falls, Canada with a two-day stop in Utica, New York.
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