
Think Social Networking for Education

Page history last edited by Karen Montgomery 15 years, 9 months ago

 Think Social Networking for Education


Did You Know?

The First Social Networking site was

National School Boards' Assocation says that Social Networking technologies should be adapted for use in the classroom.

96% of students with access to the Internet build social networks

50% of teens say they talk to their peers about schoolwork online (IM, blog or social networking sites) or via text message

60% indicate that they discuss education-related topics such as college and career planning


Did You Know 2.0 by Karl Fisch 

  YouTube plugin error  

Did You Know? presentation wiki


Social Networking in Education

Imbee for the Teacher

Online Education: Study Shows Social Networking a Boon for Education - article

Examples of Educational Uses For Social Networking Tools 

Elgg - social network software for education

Ram Read - MICDS Summer Reading Blogs using Ning


Social Networking Sites

Young Children

Whyville - Whyville was launched in 1999 as a virtual city for engaging young people in constructive educational activities while promoting socially responsible behavior. The citizens of Whyville interact with each other while participating in activities that range from science and math to art, civics, and economics. Examples include science simulations in angular momentum, art activities like designing your own avatar and visiting the Getty Museum, writing for the town newspaper, playing multiplayer games such as checkers, and treasure hunts that take you around the globe.


Club Penguin - Despite Club Penguin’s popularity, its founders continue to focus on the three key areas: fun, safety and service. The Club Penguin world is updated every week and most of the company’s resources go into making Club Penguin safer than ever. Eighty per cent of Club Penguin’s staff is made up of safety personnel and moderators, many of whom are also parents. - the only social network, collaboration, and publishing site designed specifically for young users.


Webkinz - are stuffed animals that come with a special code on their labels that allows access to the "Webkinz World" which is a site website to "adopt" a virtual version of the pet for virtual interaction.



MySpace - an online community that lets members meet their friends' friends and share photos, journals and interests with a growing network of mutual friends.


Teen Second Life - is a version of Second Life reserved for teenagers, running on the so-called Teen Grid.


Young Adults 

Facebook - a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them.


Friendster - a leading global online social network focused on helping people stay in touch with friends and discover new people and things that are important to them.


Second Life - a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its Residents.



Linked In - an online network of more than 13 million experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries


Social Networking with Ning

Ning is the only online service where you can create, customize, and share your own Social Network for free in seconds.

Add photos and videos to Web 2.0 for Teachers. 

Use the Ning for Reflective Writing.

Web 2.0 for Teachers

Ning in Education



Twitter 4 Teachers wiki

Latin Test via Twitter

Twitter in Plain English

YouTube plugin error


Twouble with Twitters from: "SuperNews!" - A young man struggles against the pressure to Twitter his life away.

YouTube plugin error


Real-Life Twitter Video from College Humor



Social Networking in Plain English

Wikipedia list of notable social networking websites

96 percent of teens use social-networking tools - article 


Teach Digital: Curriculum by Wes Fryer / safedsn

Teens, Privacy & Online Social Networks - Pew Internet & American Life Project Report

Understanding How Social Networking Works

Interactive Web Applications - American Libraray Assocation

Online Social Networking Dangers and Benefits

Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use

Online Safety on MySpace and Other Social Networking Sites - article

'Safe' social networking sites emerge - article

'Predator's Playground'?A Web safety expert offers tips for keeping teenagers and children safe on social-networking sites like  - article

Comments (1)

Answer Blip said

at 3:50 pm on Feb 8, 2010

Some great social media questions and answers at

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