

Page history last edited by Karen Montgomery 14 years, 6 months ago



 In a time when everyone is talking about globalization, wikis are geographically agnostic.


Teaching, Technology and Just Plain Interesting Resources




Thinking Machine is a dynamic handout created by Karen Montgomery.  It is a curriculum resource for all of my presentations and workshops.  All materials, unless otherwise indicated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. 



Creative Commons License




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Powerful Ingredients for Blended Learning - a framework and learning lab for 21st century digital pioneers

Digital Magic Tricks Summer 2010 Workshops



Thinking Machine Pages: 

Think Blended Learning with the Web 2.0 Think Filamentality
Think Educational Podcasting with Windows Think Handhelds
Think PodGuides Think Interactive Videoconferencing
Think Second Life Think Mobile Phones for Learning
Think Social Networking for Education Think Online Projects
Think Web 2.0 Think Photo Sharing with Flickr 
Think Wikis Think VoiceThreads 
Think delicious  Think Workshops 
Think CyberSafety Think Google Tools 
Think Interactive Whiteboards Think Digital Photography

Think Social Media Guidelines

The Technology Shopping Cart wiki Video Resources
Ed Tech Gourmet wiki For More Information
Great Book Stories wiki Conference Presentations
Gomeric Hill - my blog Professional Development Workshops and Trainings
Enhanced Teaching and Learning with 21st Century Online Tools - Trip to Rome Selected Missouri Trivia
The Competitive Campus and Technology Antarctica






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